Little Lawford, Warwickshire, England

Little Lawford Hall

Little Lawford Hall

Little Lawford Hall (pictured above) is now a farm, but dates back to Elizabethan times. It is from this era that its ghost originates. In life, Squire Broughton was a rambunctious character, with a penchant for pretty local young women and claiming his neighbour’s lands by any means. He lost a hand in an accident and became known as One Handed Broughton. One-Handed Broughton haunts a room there but also has been reported travelling the area in a phantom coach and horses.


For further information, please read Britain's Haunted Heritage by J. A. Brooks and Haunted Britain by Antony D. Hippisley Coxe.


Visitor Information

Little Lawford is a hamlet in Warwickshire, England.

It is located to the north of Long Lawford and west of Rugby.

Pictured left is Little Lawford Hall courtesy of Ian Rob. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons.